Fresh Avocado Fruit
Avocado Oil
Avocado Seedlings
Organic Fertilizer
Orchard Management Services
Avocado Testing & Research
Hass Grafting Service
Dining & Wedding Services
As the first avocado producer in Myanmar to be Global Good Agricultural Practices (GLOBALG.A.P.) certified, Shan Orchard's philosophy is to play a leading role in Myanmar Agriculture Renaissance by establishing first-ever cold-pressed avocado oil extraction capability while complying with international food safety standards. With our Heho Vision 2030, we believe in the huge potential of Heho, Southern Shan State as a perfect place/climate for avocados and production of avocado oil.
The avocado is a rather unique fruit and has exponentially grown in demand/popularity over the last 20 years. While most fruit consists primarily of carbohydrate, avocado is high in healthy fats. Numerous studies show that it has powerful health benefits.
Current research suggests that many food supplements are not an effective way of obtaining nutrients. A 10ml (2 tsp) serving of extra virgin cold pressed avocado oil provides 20% of the recommended daily allowance of Vitamin E. Extra virgin avocado oil has been proven to be one of the healthiest and most versatile of culinary oils.
The rich smooth taste enhances the flavors of delicate foods, and its high burn point makes it the best choice for healthy pan frying and high heat cooking.
It is perfect with salads, vegetables, in smoothies, and baking with extraordinary list of health benefits -- including high levels of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, Vitamin E, Omegas 6 and 9, lutein, alpha and beta carotene, and many more.

Hass is the most commonly grown avocado variety in the world. Fruit has high oil content and a very nutty, rich taste. Flesh has smooth texture and thick skin casing. Fruit ripening is between September-February in Southern Shan State. Trees have spreading and open habit of medium height.
Hass is the main varieties grown in California, and it accounts for 95% of plantings. Out of all avocados consumed around the world, Hass makes up 80% of consumption.
We are growing 18 different varieties including Hass at Shan Orchard for the export markets throughout ASEAN and premium domestic markets. Our main target markets are China, Japan, Indonesia, Korea, Singapore, and Malaysia. Domestic clients will include Citymart supermarkets.

Global demand shows high growth for avocado oils up to 2030. Since the avocado supply in Myanmar is mostly local varieties which cannot be exported, Shan Orchard decided to take advantage of the opportunity by extracting oil to keep up with the increasing international demand for avocado oil.
After considerable research in Myanmar, we selected Heho in Southern Shan State as the base for our avocado oil production. Heho provides easy access for production, supply chain management, and tourism. Heho Airport will become an international airport over the next 5 years.
On 12 February 2022, we began our oil operations at Shan Orchard by producing both high quality extra virgin oil for cooking/eating and lower grade oil for cosmetics.